Why Do Gyms Charge Initiation Fees?

Do You Ever Wonder Why Do Gyms Charge Initiation Fees?
One question I get a lot as the longtime owner of an Austin gym, is why do gyms charge initiation fees, as well as account maintenance fees, and the like? The answer is quite simple. Money.
My gym, Austin Fitness Center, has never charged anything other than $28 per month plus sales tax. No other fees are involved unless you are working with our personal trainers, such as me, Andy Bruchey, Fransesca Jenkins, or Sam Chmelar.
The answer to the why do gyms charge initiation fees is simply because they will make extra money on the top of the membership fees, plus, they are anticipating you realizing that working out is hard work, and your goals won’t be realized overnight, so you’re going to quit. They don’t want you to quit. frankly, nor do I if you’re a member of my gym. It’s how we keep the lights on in the place, naturally.
Why do gyms charge initiation fees is a pretty simple question to answer, especially since I’ve been the owner of an Austin gym for a decade, as well as a personal trainer for the past 22 years. The other question I get, however, is why is it so difficult to quit the gym? For the same reason, of course. My gym requires a certified letter to cancel your membership. You may cancel the day after you joined, or 10 years later. There are no contracts and no silly hoops to jump through. Most Austin gyms, however, are not like that. They lock you into contracts and make it often times, very difficult to cancel your membership. I’ve always resented that practice as a consumer, and therefore, have never implemented any of those practices at my facility.
The long and short of it is, I built the gym that I would want to go to. It’s not for everybody, however. Naturally, we all have different tastes, likes, and dislikes. If you’re someone that enjoys big box gyms, there’s any number of Austin gyms for you here that are plenty big. If you’re ok with paying extra fees, and jumping through hoops if you change your mind, you have plenty of options. If on the other hand, you want the best personal training in Austin, a clean, affordable, and genuinely friendly gym, there is only one option.

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